Toxic Liver Diseases
Being the largest organ of the body, it is the job of the liver to filter almost everything from our body that we intake. Alcohol, toxic medicinal drugs, and chemicals are cleared out from our body due to the proper functioning of our liver. The unwanted, harmful toxins are broken into bits by the liver and is excreted via urine.
There might be conditions, when due to unhealthy lifestyles, consuming contaminated food and water, the liver might get damaged. This might lead to medical complications namely liver scaring, jaundice or hepatitis. If these medical complications are not treated in a proper manner, it might lead to life threatening complications such as liver cancer.
Some of these medical complications occur without any symptoms, however common symptoms might include fever, increased fatigue, loss of appetite, abdominal pain etc. Therefore, taking proper care and medicines becomes extremely necessary for a healthy liver.
Looking for an effective Ayurvedic liver medicine with no side effects? Harshul Ayur Pharma brings forth SAVLIV Drops. The SAVLIV Drops which is a patented herbo mineral formulation, has shown extraordinary outcomes in treating the liver diseases, without having any side effects on the body. The SAVLIV drops is produced after extensive research in diverse fields such as hepatic disorders and toxicology.
In the process of conducting rigorous research on SAVLIV Drops, it has been observed that this Ayurvedic formula is rich in Vitamin C which protects the liver from the toxins. Moreover, studies have shown that the SAVLIV drops is rich in Polyphenols, Tannins and Flavnoids which are powerful natural antioxidants and help to reduce free radical stress in the body. The natural bioactives like Vitamin C and Citric Acid which are present in SAVLIV control inflammatory reactions in the liver diseases.
Prepared after extensive research by Harshul Ayur Pharma, SAVLIV drops has proved its efficacy in managing all types of liver disorders. It has shown its efficiency in improving the appetite, enhancing the performance of the liver thereby increasing the overall wellbeing of an individual. The conventional and Ayurvedic drops is known to increase the metabolism of the cells thereby increases the cell regeneration.
To enjoy the full benefits of SAVLIV Drops to enhance your overall wellbeing, contact us and take a step towards healthy living.