
Mr Satish K

24 Jun, 2009

My mother suffered from Liver Cirrhosis since June 2007. I had contacted various doctors in Mumbai but could not arrange for a satisfactory treatment for her. That time my mother was not taking any food & she was not able to walk. I started searching on internet and got a reference of HarshulAyur Pharma. Initially I had ordered three bottles of SAVLIV drops because I was not sure about the medicine.Within eight days after taking medicine she had started taking food & after one and half months time she started walking with support. Now she is very fine with proper diet & not having any problem related to liver. 100% credit goes to Mr Vimal Kumar of Harshul Ayur Pharma. If anybody wants more details regarding this medicine & our experience you can reach me on my mobile. You can blindly rely on this medicine that is what our experience says.